Sunday 9 September 2012

Think Outside the Box


Again today we want to write something in this blog. Actually this is our last post for this blog :( First of all we want to thank to our Miss Puteri that had given us this huge opportunity to create a blog and try a new thing. We had learnt so many thing that we never know and heard before. There are always new thing we learn through this subject. We really enjoy and relax during the class. This subject help us a lot to improve our self. For example, we had improve our English a lot compared before because this subject need us to speak and write in English. Other than that, we also had done so many activity during this semester. Through the activity we practice a lot about team work, honesty, discipline, stronger and many more. We are very blessed because we had a very nice and sweet lecturer that always give us support, encouragement and advise as well. Once again, thank you Miss for your hard work. We really appreciate and never forget what you had taught us. Below we include some activity's picture during the class for critical thinking subject.

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